Computational Thinking Initiatives 
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Computational Thinking 
Samples from a few high-school and middle-school students

Analyzing Molecular Cages [2024]

Ameya Srinivasan

Analyzing Peg Solitaire Game Boards Using Multiway Graphs [2024]

Anoushka Muchhal

Polypool: Explorations into Infinitely Bouncing Cueballs in Geometric Shapes [2024]

Bertie Bennett

User-Friendly Computer Monitor [2024]

Danae Dresiou

Simulating Echolocation via Sound Wave Interactions in Various Environments [2024]

David Li

Optimization of the Thrust-to-Power Ratio of Ion Thrusters through Simulations [2024]

Ethan Kong

Optimize Crossword Layout Grids for Density [2024]

Ezra Akresh

HyperPlot: On the Generation of Temporally Coherent Hypergraphs [2024]

Gregory Roudenko

Adaptive Evolution of Cellular Automata Encryption Systems [2024]

Kevin Toren

Growth and Evolution of Multiway Tag Systems [2024]

Maximilian Niederman

Simulating the Flocking Behavior of Boids within a Parametrically Defined Vector Field [2024]

Ritvik Gupta

Exploring Holomorphic Dynamics with Multiway Systems [2024]

Sambhu Ganesan

Analyzing Parameters of Collatz-Like Functions to Maximize Constantness [2024]

Ryan Wu

Modeling Optimal Orientations of Objects in Laminar Fluid Flow [2024]

Sanay Nesargi

Exploring Isomerism in Coordination Complexes [2024]

William Choi-Kim

Designing Spiraling Image Patterns [2024]

Zoey Ji

An Approximated Simulation of Fluidic Logic Gates [2024]

Michael Bao

Distributions of Shape Parameters for Randomly Generated Amino Acid Sequences [2024]

Annie Zhu

Epidemiological Modeling of Disease Spread among Urban Rat Populations [2024]

Abhi Thiagarajan

Mobile Automata with Non-local Rules [2024]

Akshaj Devireddy

Building Nanobelts in Silico [2024]

Ananya Thota

Constructing Combinators for Arithmetic and Arbitrary-Length Bitwise Operations [2024]

Austin Jiang

Analyze 2D Projections of 3D Objects [2024]

Averyl Xu

Generating Musical Notes Based on the Trajectory of Bouncing Balls [2024]

Ian Gu

Analyzing All Possible Iterated Binary-Choice Games [2024]

Aziz Sahibnazarova

Optimizing Flight Paths for Wind [2024]

Abby Merchant

Transcribing Melodies [2024]

Ben Sandler

Optimizing Train Routes [2024]

Claire Bian

Minimal Universal Classical and Quantum Gates [2024]

Christopher Gilbert

Determining the Conditions for the Moon to Have Its Own Moon [2024]

Damla Temur

Study of Hash Probing on a Graph [2024]

David Wang

Automating Plot Ranges for Dynamic Visualizations [2024]

Devanshi Rautaraya

Implementing Error-Correction Codes: From the Beginning to the Present [2024]

Disha Sanganeriya

Analyzing Changes in Ideology of the Democratic and Republican Parties from 1900 to 2020 [2024]

Eugene Hwang

Animating Optimized Drone Light Shows [2024]

Eleanor Chen

Analyzing N-gram Distribution within Language Families [2024]

Liz Chung

Comparative Analysis of Cryptographic Seed Generation [2024]

Elvina Liou

Analyze Forms of Head Motion in Mobile Automata [2024]

Adam Essemaali

Predicting Radiolarian Growth Patterns through 3D Modeling [2024]

Shivika Gupta

Optimizing the Dosing Regimens for Multi-compartment Pharmacokinetic Models [2024]

Tony Song

Impact of Logo Colors and Industry Sector on Company Market Capitalization [2024]

Iris Li

Generating Running Routes with Cycle Algorithms [2024]

Isaiah Liu

Creating Jigsaw Puzzles Based on Recognizable Features [2024]

Jason Yap

Analyzing Catalan Numbers through Multiway Systems [2024]

Joshua Yoo

Creating Multiway Graphs of Dances [2024]

Joanna Li

Adaptive Evolution of 1D Cellular Automata to Maximize Blocks of the Same Color [2024]

Lily Dalmia

Impact of Parameter Perturbation on Neural Network Performance [2024]

Paul Lee

Optimize the Best Living Locations Based on the Cost of Living and Potential Income [2024]

Mannat Dhillon

Optimizing Wind Turbine Purchasing for Cost-Efficient Solutions [2024]

Manvik Bhadoria

Comparing the Syntax of Quenya and Real-World Languages [2024]

Mary Bea Carr

Identifying and Generating Inkblots [2024]

Gloria Chan

Simulating a Reactive Approximation for Galactic Organization [2024]

Neil Chaudhary

Generating Macro Machine Simulations and Proofs of Halting for Busy Beaver Turing Machines [2024]

Owen Xuan

Analyzing Polysaccharide Bonding in Cryptococcus Neoformans [2024]

Sindhoora Raja

Exploring Patterns in Solvable Sudoku Puzzles [2024]

Rachel Shuai

Studying the Decomposition of Radioactive Material from Supernovae [2024]

Pavel Pomozov

Polynomial Value Sets of Various Polynomials [2024]

Sahiti Doke

Effects of Randomly Generated Weights on the Outputs of Untrained Neural Networks [2024]

Sandeep Sethuraman

Breaking the Symmetry of Harmonic Oscillators: An Analysis [2024]

Aisha Benzine

Generating Tongue Twisters—An Exploration into Phonetics [2024]

Sonam Jha

Building Functions to Classify Chemical Reaction Properties [2024]

Sarah Ku

Modeling and Analysis of Mid-Atlantic Ridge Earthquakes via Bathymetric and Seismic Data [2024]

William Feng

On Chaos in Aggregation Systems [2024]

Yufan Wang

Monoids, String Rewriting, Confluence and the Knuth–Bendix Algorithm [2024]

Vivaan Daga

Modeling shadows of generated trees [2023]

Nicholas Wang

Analyzing the game dots and boxes using multiway graphs [2023]

Andrea Li

Recreate the Beresheet lunar crash [2023]

Dev Sharma

Mapping reactivity in organic chemistry [2023]

Alexander Do

Exploring the Korean word chain game [2023]

Hyewon Park

Create geographic compactness measurements for randomly generated districts [2023]

Isaac McGreevy

Mapping the motion of hands between ASL alphabet signs [2023]

Jenny Wang

Generating cloudlike structures using fractals [2023]

Leo Zhao

Find mathematical patterns in city street maps [2023]

Xingchen Li

Function that turns any image into an Ishihara’s test for Color Deficiency [2023]

Aishwarya Main

Visualize and analyze the Marvel Universe social network [2023]

Jaimie Park

Building Interpreters for Esoteric Programming Languages [2023]

Mich Obia

Generating animated guitar tutorials [2023]

Nikhil Mani

Creating and analyzing voting systems using pseudorandom population simulations [2023]

Sofia Wang

Categorizing protein sequences based on foldings [2023]

Tvesha Ghosh

Predict and visualize terms of number sequences [2023]

Anne Shuai

Analyzing and improving CNN performance with rotated and blurred images [2023]

David Wang

Parabolic perspectives : exploring the diverse trajectories of soccer balls [2023]

Adhiraj Sud

Finding holes in multiway systems [2023]

Ankit Muppala

Create a function to compute colligative properties of binary solutions [2023]

Lakshmi Agrawal

Using multiway systems to determine the hardest two and three-digit addition sums [2023]

Parth Bhardwaj

Analysing Ancient Greek Syntax [2023]

Danae Dresiou

Linear congruential generators in cryptography [2023]

Daniel Kagan

On the mergers of numerical multiway systems [2023]

Eric Archerman

Finding optimized route for planes flying from Los Angeles to New York City [2023]

Marco Giordano

Optimizing racing lines [2023]

Isaiah Yang

Maximizing societal impact through efficient allocation of funding in developing countries [2023]

Mihir Garimella

Track and analyse pupil dilation after exposure to illumination [2023]

Anusheh Shreonty

Create and analyze a game graph for Pokémon battles [2023]

Joey Mussalli

Creating and classifying shapes of drums that have a particular series of modes [2023]

Niko Moustakas

Build a function for biochemical enzyme kinetics [2023]

Srijith Rangan

Creating categorizations of brains [2023]

Ruilin Zhu

Analyzing structures in causal graphons and potential applications to fundamental physics [2023]

Nandana Madhukara

Finding locations where hydroponic farming is more favorable based on climate conditions [2023]

Sharon Frid

Analyzing GPT-2's Brain Development [2023]

Shriya Ramanan

A System for Modeling Space Debris Collision [2023]

Shubhan Bhattacharya

Modeling Water Flow using Cellular Automata [2023]

Sophia Zhou

GPT3.5 Syntactic structure with temperature variation using graph and parse-tree similarity [2023]

Tianyi Gu

Generate solvable KenKen puzzles [2023]

Tom Schlessinger

Evaluating the Impact of Complexity Variation in Neural Nets on Learning Math Functions [2023]

Tony Shen

Base N Computer Simulation: Visual Analysis and Collatz Conjecture [2023]

Tyler Rose

Detecting if an image has been modified [2023]

Aidan Zhang

Find the simplest cellular automaton to generate a given sequence [2023]

Twisha Patel

Deconstructing GPT2 to relate LLM activity to fMRI activation voxels [2023]

Avi Verma

Create discrete color schemes to enhance cellular automata visualization [2023]

Zoe Chia

Modeling solar system formation from circular initial conditions [2023]

Anyalina Vertigan

Exploring self-avoiding walks with multiway systems [2023]

Max Grunwald

Analysis of bacterial relatedness through their antibiotic resistance genes [2023]

Angela Zhan

Create a Synesthesia Simulator [2023]

Chanu Yang

Morphological Analysis of River Tributaries and Flood Plains: A Multi-Dimensional Approach [2023]

George Cheng

Complex behavior in 2-color 2-state 2D Turing machines [2023]

Joyce Huang

Enhancing diabetes prediction through the optimization of dropout regularization [2023]

Kartik Mathur

Finding high density airplane locations in the US and its impact on COPD [2023]

Mahir Labib

Exploring computational dynamics of formal-language syntax using multiway systems [2023]

Navvye Anand

Solving logic puzzles based on logical statements [2023]

Nishnath Polavarapu

Developing pathfinding algorithms with exclusively right turns [2023]

Ryan Tong

Generating Pac-Man levels from street maps [2023]

Sameer Agarwal

Generating game levels using Wave Function Collapse [2023]

Samion Suwito

Analyzing cosmic rays using the Pixet particle detector [2023]

Pragyan Yadav

Solar panel placement on Mars [2023]

Alisa Zaitseva

Optimizing paths in sailing through aerodynamics simulations [2023]

Ethan Kong

Vision based websites correlations analysis [2022]

Nicolò Monti

Mapping the Trajectory of Points via Ocean Currents [2022]

Karan Chakravarthy

Multiway Sandpile Models with Applications to LCFTs [2022]

Damian Musk

Generate Super Mario Bros. Levels [2022]

Samion Suwito

Optimizing traffic light timings in simulated cities [2022]

Henry Gustafson

Exploring Quantum Cellular Automata with the Wolfram Quantum Paclet [2022]

Joseph Stocke

Multiway Sequential Cellular Automata [2022]

Margaux Wong

Multicomputational Polynomials [2022]

Latika Sreenath

Finding Trends in Word Changes across Languages [2022]

Mansi Singh

Selecting Flowers by Color [2022]

Allison Chow

Creating Standardized Camera Moves for 3D Graphics [2022]

Arianna Cao

Generating Crossword Puzzles Out of a Given Set of Words [2022]

Aruj Bansal

Multiway graph for Connect 4 [2022]

Aryan Maskara

Determine keywords for a programming language from code snippets [2022]

Allen Tian

Do planes near airports tend to fly over Greenspace? [2022]

Anthony Lee

Converting Image to Thread Art [2022]

Danae Dresiou

Propagated Jazz Improvisation for Walking Bass Lines [2022]

William Wei

Improving the Colorblind Friendliness of an Image [2022]

Gabriel Yang

To Find Craters on the Surface of the Moon [2022]

Gia Sareen

Boolean logic on SK combinators [2022]

Gleb Rusyaev

Exploring Subatomic Particles and Collisions in Class 4 CA using AI [2022]

Harini Thiagarajan

What Punctuation Should Be Added to a String of Text? [2022]

Hozaifa Bhutta

Calculate Efficient Moves to Clear Balls from a Billiard Table [2022]

Hyunjae Chung

Locate and Analyze Food Deserts in the USA [2022]

Jason Chae

Extract the Laws of Physics from Videos of Bouncing Balls [2022]

Josh Liu

Ranking US States by "flyoverness” [2022]

Stephen Jones

Create Greek columns with different depths of flutes and fillets [2022]

Mahira Hafeez

Given a Sentence, Predict Writer's Native Language [2022]

Muskan Mahajan

Create molecules with a particular boiling point [2022]

Maiyun Zhang

Number of Ommatidia Required by Fruit Flies to Read [2022]

Nidhi Noronha

Matching National Flag Images with Emojis [2022]

Nikhil Sunkad

Classification of English language adjectives [2022]

Nora Popescu

Determine Templates to Guess Passwords [2022]

Sophie Chen

Generate step-by-step diagram-based instructions for video dances [2022]

Shivansh Gupta

Computationally Generating music, Given Lyrics [2022]

Sohum Bajaj

Analyze "the drop" in EDM songs [2022]

Suhaan Mobhani

Optimizing multilayered neural networks on boolean functions [2022]

Taein Kim

Explore Triple Color Mobile Automata [2022]

Thun Sophyreath

Optimal Sorting Networks With Respect to Cost Criteria [2022]

Victor Zhou

Prediction Methods For Locating A-Helices After Protein Folding [2022]

Zara Hayat

Sentiment and frequency analysis across time on The Office subreddit [2022]

Zoya Brahimzadeh

Analyze the Multiway Graph of Mancala [2022]

Bowei Zhang

Analyzing Emoji Use across Global Subreddits [2022]

Sajal Shukla

Color Distance for Colorblind People [2022]

Sasha Pazoki

From pictures of animals, try to reconstruct the tree of life [2022]

Maya Viswanathan

Exploring the Divergence in Pronunciations of Chinese Characters [2022]

Emily Do

Red blood cell analysis from a 2D microscopic image of blood [2022]

Trisha Bagri

Multi-Robot Exploration of an Enclosed Space [2021]

Shiv Kampani

Computational Crochet [2021]

Eli Morton

Commercial Text-Image Sentiment Analysis Timeline [2021]

Aryan Dawer

Exploring Methods of Parsing User Agent Strings [2021]

Austin Geng

Exploring Pi Calculus and Petri Nets [2021]

Rohan Mehta

Implementing Many-Valued Logic in the Wolfram Language [2021]

Nika Chuzhoy

Generating 3D Optimal Rotations [2021]

Chengda Li

Building Isolation and Average Shape Analysis Using Image Processing Techniques [2021]

Sidharth Jain

On CDT-Based Simplicial Triangulation Decomposition in the Wolfram Language [2021]

Damian Musk

Nim With a Pass: A Computational Analysis [2021]

Arul Kolla

Creating Word Clouds of Character Names from Works of Fiction [2021]

Christine Tsu

Analyzing Recipes [2021]

Firmiana Wang

“Green Score” of Company Headquarters from Satellite Imagery [2021]

Brian Hu

Exploring Minimal Deep Learning Systems Using Boolean Functions [2021]

Andri Kadaifciu

Pick Out Spirals in the Images of Flowers [2021]

Fiona Law

Analyzing the Sales of NFT’s and Making a Live Dashboard [2021]

Hemanth Surya Ganesh Kapa

Analyzing COVID-19 Vaccine Sentiment Over Time [2021]

Arshaan Sayed

Finding Interesting Behavior in 4D Cellular Automata [2021]

Yana Outkin

Structuring and Exploring TEI Marked-Up Texts [2021]

Anika Karpurapu

Visualizing the Game Graphs of Tic-Tac-Toe-Like Games [2021]

Henry Gustafson

Automatic Generation of Representational Infographics [2021]

Megan Davi

Investigating Turing Machines With Longer Head-Jumps [2021]

Gooha Park

Curate the Cities in Ptolemy’s Geography and Analyze Errors [2021]

Theodore Moustakas

Building a Graph-Based Reaction Network [2021]

Joseph Stocke

Mapping Urban Boundaries onto Satellite Images of Cities [2021]

Raghav Sriram

Creating an Algorithm to Break Human Names into “First” and “Last” [2021]

Unnathi Kumar

Make a Video Effect for Transitioning Between Two Given Pictures [2021]

Yulin Tang

Determining the Optimal Path for a Ship Between Coastal Points [2021]

Abhinav Govindaraju

Visualizing Email Threads Using Graphs [2021]

John Gerlach

Tracking Points Through History [2021]

Eric Do

Scheduling Algorithm Using Combinatorial Optimization [2021]

Jiayang Xia

Historical Popularities of Subjects Based on Word Frequency [2021]

Audrey Shin

Billboard Top 100 GUI [2021]

Claire Chen

Analysis of Called Values of Nested Recursive Functions [2021]

Yunho Song

Pick Out Runways from Satellite Photographs of Airports [2021]

Ian Lee

Analogues of the THX Deep Note Chord [2021]

Evelyn Di Genova

Formatting Elements on a Page [2021]

Davis Mo

Neighborhood Tilings [2021]

Leo Kargin

Creating Substitution Systems on New 12.3 Tree Data Structures [2021]

Logan Gilbert

Visualizing and Analyzing Plant Root Network Characteristics [2021]

Rushank Goyal

Implementing Counter Machines [2021]

Samikshaa Natarajan

Fractal Dimension Analysis of Leaves to Predict Geographic Location [2021]

Srisahith Korandla

Using Genetic Algorithms and Cellular Automata to Model Xenobots [2021]

Khushi Gupta

Investigating the Statistics of Text Structure Parse Trees [2021]

Krishna Sidde

Reddit Popularity Analysis and Score Prediction [2021]

Mirza Hussain

Correlating Land Use with Carbon Emission Data [2020]

Olivia Schenker

Digital Contact Tracing Simulations [2020]

Megha Narayanan

Measuring Fractal Dimensions of Coastlines [2020]

Jennifer Xiong

Looking for Multiway Systems of Intermediate Growth [2020]

Yorick Zeschke

Simulate Audio with Different Arrangements of Speakers [2020]

Shubham Kumar

Computing Radioactive Decay Products as a Function of Time [2020]

Sheldon Rego

Explorations of the Hypergraph wm44586 [2020]

Quinn Mcintyre

Simulating Satellite Collisions [2020]

Anna Krzyzanska

Exploring Staircase Solutions to Forced Wave Equations [2020]

Rauan Kaldybaev

Suggesting Variable Names Based on a Piece of Code [2020]

John Gerlach

Simulating Spacecraft Trajectory in the Outer Solar System [2020]

Ashton Lee

Characterizing Density and Ergodicity in Billiard Polygons [2020]

Supriya Roy

Simulating Relativistic Transformations for Complex Objects [2020]

Utkarsh Bajaj

Generating Pseudowords with Correct Statistics to Be Words [2020]

Luca Jones

Creating Graphs of Bitcoin Transactions [2020]

Egor Bugaev

Graphing Language Families Using Lexical Similarity [2020]

Yuvraj Diwan

Finding Messages in Binary Data [2020]

Yana Outkin

Making an XML Formatter/Visualizer [2020]

Timothy Bilik

Finding the Shortest Path through a Field of Disks [2020]

Thomas Shundi

Inflecting Latin Words [2020]

Stella Maymin

Determining the Update Date of a Website from Archived HTML Data [2020]

Roman Parker

Classifying a Set of Stars by Their Relative Positions [2020]

Rishi Soni

Comparing Different Methods of Calculating DNA Melting Temperature [2020]

Prachi Kharade

Studying Rates of Language Change [2020]

Noemi Chulo

Coloring Nations Based on How Similar Their Flags Are [2020]

Matthew Sprintson

Imitating Writing Style through Transfer Learning [2020]

Martin Slomczykowski

Visualisations of a Multiway Graph [2020]

Macy Maurer Levin

Generate Coexistence Graphs of Bird Species Using eBird Data [2020]

Logan Gilbert

Predicting Integrals Using Machine Learning [2020]

Karan Kashyap

Viewshed Analysis at a Specific Location and Elevation [2020]

Justin Ji

Visualizing and Generating Queries on Datasets [2020]

Justin Choi

Tessellating Images into Wallpaper Groups [2020]

Jibiana Jakpor

Analyzing Moiré Patterns [2020]

Geoffrey Wu

Industrial Activity as a Function of Time [2020]

Franklin Ho

Fingerprinting NFL Teams over Time Using Feature Extraction [2020]

Eugene Choi

Analyzing and Computing with Combinators [2020]

Eric Paul

Audio Inpainting [2020]

Emily Jiah Hyun

Creating a WL-Based Musical Instrument [2020]

Eli Morton

Exploring Graph-Distance Metrics [2020]

Daniel Zeng

Cyclic String Substitution and Multiway Systems [2020]

Chandra Gangavarapu

Compare Administrative Divisions to Real Boundaries Using NASA Data [2020]

Aryan Jain

Using Neural Networks to Locate a US Flag in an Image [2020]

Anirudh Bachiraju

Visualizing the Path down a Mountain with the Least Gradient [2020]

Anika Patel

Analysing Global Emoji Usage [2019]

Anwesha Das

Tracking Algorithm for Squash [2019]

Alex Alexandrovskiy

Automatic Metrical Scansion of Latin Poetry in Dactylic Hexameter [2019]

Laney Moy

Colorful Fraud: Utilizing Adversarial Examples to Expose Flaws in Neural Network Architectures [2019]

Nico Ademo

Enumerating Polycubes [2019]

Noelle Crawford

Automatic Evaluation of the Relationships Between Characters in Plays [2019]

Jason Zeng

Simulating Binary Star Systems [2019]

Drake Hayes

Generating Nets for Random Convex Polyhedra [2019]

Sunny Wang

Automated Spot the Difference [2019]

Stella Maymin

Chemical Bonds: Molecular Orbitals for One-Electron Diatomic Molecules [2019]

Mohammad Alhudaithi

Parse What Is Happening in a Videogame from Images [2019]

Nabeel Ur Rehman Nayyar

Patterns in N-Body Simulations: Statistical Analysis of the Three Body Problem [2019]

Pedro Cabral

Generating Crossword Puzzles [2019]

Simeon Buttery

Use Machine Learning to Predict if Topography Is Above Water or Underwater [2019]

Khang Nguyen

Creating Phylogenetic Graphs of Programming Languages with Machine Learning [2019]

Matias Shundi

Face Emoji Identification [2019]

Jade Han

Modeling the Orientation of a Random Polyhedron on Water [2019]

Heidi Yoon

Implementing a Visualizer for DNA Sequence Alignments [2019]

Jessica Shi

Fitting the World: Determining Physical Scale from Satellite Images [2019]

William Goodall

Investigating Pattern Periods in the Diagonals of the Rule 45 Cellular Automaton [2019]

Aniruddh Sriram

Implementing a Tsetlin Machine Framework [2019]

Dmitri Volkov

Visualizing the Fourier Series for Curves [2019]

Mukilan Karthikeyan

Musical Audio Analysis of Human Dialogue [2019]

Jamie Lim

Classifying Fiction and Non-Fiction Works Using Machine Learning [2019]

Rachna Gupta

Machine Learning the Optimal Cryptocurrency Portfolio from Blockchain Activity [2019]

Shivain Vij

Detecting Malaria-Infected Blood Cells Using Machine Learning [2019]

Shruti Panse

Character Shape Analysis [2019]

Daniel Shin

3D Cellular Automata [2019]

Adrienne Lai

Classifying Stocks by Their Return ‘Fingerprints’ [2019]

Aaliyah Sayed

Ordinary Differential Equations and Complexity/Chaos Theory [2019]

Tianyi Wang

Mood Detection in Human Speech [2019]

Dev Chheda

A Computational Method to Predict Reference X Ray Diffraction (XRD) Patterns [2019]

Hamza Alsamraee

Packet Journey: A Visualization [2019]

Alice Liu

Visualizing the Effect of Sea Level Rise on a Topographic Map [2019]

Arian Patel

Creating a Common Word List for Marathi Language [2019]

Aryan Deshpande

Explore The Code 624 Cellular Automaton [2019]

Brian LuValle

Simulating Different Rules For a Four-Way Intersection [2019]

Eddie Kim

Captioning Graphs of Continuous Functions [2019]

Hedi Ben Daoud

Musical Audio Analysis of Human Dialogue [2019]

Jamie Lim

Examining Stock Pricing Anomalies [2019]

Jonathan Zhou

Predicting Mountains’ Locations [2019]

Lena Libon

Visualizing a Binary Black Hole Merger [2019]

Macy Levin

Exploring Lifetime Distributions for Nuclear Isotope Decay Cascades [2019]

Srinath Rangan

Automated Acute Leukemia Symptom Analysis from Microscopical Blood Images [2019]

Steve Park

ChanceMe: Calculating the Chance of Getting into Colleges Based on Stats and ECs [2018]

Pavan Agrawal

Using Multilevel Graph Partitioning Algorithms to Construct Compact and Contiguous Districts [2018]

Alex Chandler

Economics of CryptoKitties [2018]

Kyle Kotanchek

Using Machine Learning to Diagnose Pneumonia from Chest X Rays [2018]

Rohit Panse

Simulating Auditory and Visual deficiencies [2018]

Sartaj Gulati

Sentiment Analysis in Music Through Machine Learning [2018]

William Zhu

Finding the Shortest Path Between Two Points on a Rough Terrain [2018]

Hee Jae Hong

Using Twitter Sentiment Analysis to determine emoji sentiment [2018]

Jake Frances

Identifying and Converting the Major Currencies Using Machine Learning [2018]

Morgan Lee

Extending the Collatz Sequence in 1D and Generalizing it to 2D [2018]

Ethan Bogle

Visualizing Fractional Colorings for Random Graphs [2018]

Jongwan Kim

Game Boy Emulation in the Wolfram Language [2018]

Venkat Rao

Analyzing Online Censorship in China [2018]

Brian Zhang

Interfacing Wolfram Language capabilities with SMS and MMS messaging [2018]

Ivan Galakhov

Analysis and Visualization of Chord Sequences in Music [2018]

Paolo Lammens

Formulating the Optimal Graphic for Data Using Machine Learning [2018]

Aparna Kumar

Balanced Ternary [2018]

Hugh Paynter

Producing Four-Colorings of Historical Geopolitical Maps [2018]

Nikesh Mishra

Proof of a Diophantine Equation that outputs Fibonacci Numbers [2018]

Suhaas Kataria

Identifying Benford’s Law in Cryptocurrency Transactions [2018]

Hannah Kim

Analysing Image Dithering [2018]

Nalin Bhardwaj

Finding Gliders in Cellular Automata [2018]

Colin Weller

A Machine Learning Analysis of the Halting Problem over the SKI Combinator Calculus [2018]

Euan Ong

ASCII?: Convert Images and GIFs into ASCII Art [2018]

Radzim Sendyka

Sorting Networks [2018]

Sasha Kucher

An Implementation of the Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Cryptosystem [2018]

Tanay Reddy

Using Multilevel NAND trees to Create XOR Expressions [2018]

Ben Huenemann

Finding the Author of a Text using Machine Learning [2018]

Nihar Shah

Implementation of Common Axiom Systems and Proof Generation [2018]

Pyokyeong Son

Emulating MMIX in the Wolfram Language [2018]

Suhaas Katikaneni

Implementing a Simple Folding Demonstration into Mathematica [2018]

Anugrah Chemparathy

Computational Hairdressing [2018]

Jacob Fong

Classifying 10 Different Types of Font Texts [2018]

Likith Palabindela

Classifying Music By Genre Using Neural Networks [2018]

Nikhil Gaddam

Voice sentiment classification using neural networks [2018]

Ryan Heo

Analyzing Byte Arrays [2018]

Anushka Naiknaware

Creating a Microsite that Classifies Boeing Planes [2018]

Yunqi Li

Relationships between Wolfram Language Functions [2018]

Sai kumar Murali krishnan

Chronological Dating of Historical Texts Using RNNs [2018]

Tarek Aloui

Relativistic Star Field Demonstration [2018]

Macy Maurer Levin

Classifying Prose and Poetry [2018]

Michael Wang

Modeling the Growth or Reduction of Crime from 2016-2018 in Chicago [2018]

Sachi Figliolini

Distribution of Craters on the Surface of the Moon [2018]

Samanthak Thiagarajan

Mapping the 2014 Ebola Outbreak and Modeling Its Spread [2017]

Yash Somaiya

Fully Functional ParametricPlot4D: Curves, Surfaces, and Volumes [2017]

William Sun

Using Kleene and Priest Logic Rules to Create Ternary Logic Tables [2017]

Taha Shaikh

Translating Historic and International Numeral Systems [2017]

Stephanie Nam

Name Origins [2017]

Sophia Balkovski

Finding spikes in electrophysiological data from neurons [2017]

Selina Dasol Kim

Steps for Computations on an Abacus [2017]

Sayak Bagchi

One Dimensional Neighbor-Dependent Substitution Systems [2017]

Sathvika Korandla

Classifying pictures vs. drawings [2017]

Sarah Hong

Content Aware Cropping Using a Neural Net [2017]

Robert Washbourne

Pathfinding with A* [2017]

Robert Aburustum

A Cryptographic Hash Code Algorithm based on Cellular Automata [2017]

Rishabh Mohanka

Image Rotation Correction through a Neural Network [2017]

Pierce Forte

Visualizing shapes inside Moire patterns using Mathematica [2017]

Oleg Rouvinski

Locating GPS Satellites From a Given Location [2017]

Nam Dinh Tran

Teaching Algebra by generating hints from wrong answers [2017]

Marco Fleming

A Banana Classifier [2017]

Kevin Xu

Interactive Clausius-Clapeyron Phase Boundaries [2017]

Kemal Aziz

Shall I Compare Thee in This Summer’s Neural Net? [2017]

Katie Orenstein

Exploring Halting Times in Turing Machines [2017]

Katarzyna Krzyzanska

Making Integers from Ones [2017]

Karina Ting

Using Voroni Diagrams to Optimize Offensive Schemes [2017]

Jordan Wang

Analyzing Regular Tilings [2017]

Jeremy Kogan

Enumerating and Visualizing Primitive Recursive Functions [2017]

Jeffrey Shi

Make a Website to Create and E-mail Custom Graph Paper [2017]

Jean Choi

Visualization of the GCD of Gaussian Integer Pairs [2017]

Jaeho Park

Finding Kiwi Calls In Audio Recordings [2017]

Isaac Chandler

Iterated Circle Packing with Circles of Multiple Radii [2017]

Ian Shors

Survival Probabilities in the United States [2017]

Fiona Lee

Using Machine Learning to Identify Road Signs [2017]

Emma Yang

Text Table Optimization [2017]

Davey Morse

Is This A Joke? - Humor Detection [2017]

Daschel Cooper

Meteorite Landing Projections [2017]

Chirasmita Kompella

Checksum Algorithms [2017]

Carolina Mora

Visualizing XML [2017]

Calvin Watford

Blockchain Visualization Using the Wolfram Language [2017]

Ayush Singla

Predicting Fractal Dimension Using Machine Learning [2017]

Aubhro Sengupta

Automated Building Identification from Satellite Imagery [2017]

Anish Mahendran

Polyhedra Classifier [2017]

Andre Wang

Extending Power Towers to Complex Realms [2017]

Andres Gorrochategui

Modeling Force on the Foot While Walking and Running [2017]

Amy Li

Shortest plane route with elevation ceiling [2017]

Adam Czarnecki

Determining Political Orientation of Text with Machine Learning [2017]

Abinav Routhu

3D Interactive Satellite Globe [2015]

Will Bensky

Creating a Voronoi Mesh from an Image [2015]

Francesco Insulla

Converting an Image into Music [2015]

David Friedenberg

A Graphical Analysis of the US Code [2015]

Riley Cohen

Colors in Movie Posters [2015]

Daniel Oh

Visualizing the Collatz Conjecture and Some Variants [2015]

Alex Han

Sea Level Rise [2015]

Anush Mehrabyan

Folding Nets into Polyhedra [2015]

Jonathan Kogan

Lighting Optimization [2015]

Joshua Doonquah

Paths Down a Mountain [2015]

Yury Chistov

Foam Bubbles Simulating Voronoi Diagrams [2015]

Suzie Byun

Hexagonal Insect Vision [2015]

Roshan Nair

Algebraic Operations on Melodies [2015]

Justin Lubin

A Multilingual Paradigm for Keyboard Optimization Using Simulated Annealing [2015]

Coleman Haley

Rolling Polyhedron and Center of Gravity Plot [2015]

JungHwan Min

Make Your Name 3D [2015]

Seth Liyanage

Extended Birthday Problem [2015]

Derenik Pogosyan

Colored Noise Generator [2015]

Sargis Daghbashyan

Deducing Gender from Voice [2015]

Radhika Agrawal

Simulating Particles on a Vibrating Surface [2015]

Clara Li

Person Word Search [2015]

Kylee Krzanich

Random Tree Generator [2015]

Annie Kim

Random Triangle Path Finder [2015]

Aren Karapetyan

Random Company Name and Patchwork Cellular Automaton Generator [2015]

Jacob Brown

English or American English Classifier [2015]

Noam Miller

Isomer Generator for Organic Molecules [2015]

William Zhang

Graphical Representations of Depleted Zeta Subseries [2015]

Andrew Kwon

Comparing Linguistic Forms of Different Wikipedia Articles [2015]

Aparna Paul

Gene Mutation Visualizer (The GeNomic Project) [2015]

Noam Ringach

Poems and Lyrics Sentiment Classifier [2015]

Omar Aguilar

Floating Polygons [2015]

Shu-Yu “Michelle” Lin

Speaker Identification by Machine Learning [2015]

Saarthak Sachdeva

Modern Jefferson Cipher [2015]

Hakeem Salem

Enigma Machine Image Cryptography [2015]

Sasank Vishnubhatla

Text Fractalizer [2015]

Shivani Angappan
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